Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 32 - Super bowl Sunday, the 'new' new years eve

I announced on face book the other day my proclamation that Superbowl Sunday is the new new years eve, and the following Monday is the new Jan 1. The idea was to give some assistance to all the new year's resolutins I've been putting off for a month. Not that I've been putting them off per se, just haven't really gone for it with gusto, if you kinda get my drift.

One response to this was pretty good. "Chinese New year's just around the corner, why not wait for that?" I liked that idea and said as much. "Then again, so is Mardi Gras . . .  why not wait till lent?" I liked that idea even more, and proclaimed it so!

But alas, I cannot wait any longer. See, I have decided to see what good planning has to offer and have planned out in advance the timing of my diet. No need to rush. January is a good time to get back into a routine. For me that means traveling for work, getting projects on track, and organising lots of logistics for my new HQ location (In Kiev it is a nightmare - everything needs a stamp. There's a notary on ever corner. Traffic, snow, waiting, hassle). Hey, and when your tired from all that why not relax with a glass or five of red wine and a nice meal of lamb chops, polemta, grilled vegables and italian spanish brusheta with goat cheese, peppers, proschuito and artichoke (this is what I order at one of my favorite locals -  not on the diet!).

We'll see how it goes. But it"s not like Januaryu has been a total disaster. I dd manage to get back to my pre-holiday weight as of today, 2 days befoe diet kick's off. I credot this to being sensible - shopping for healty food for about halgf of my meals  and going to the gym a couple of times a week. \for all of this I am relaxed and will enjoy a couple of days of sin (hamburgers, pizolle pork stew, washed down with wine and bar food and beer for the big game!). Am experienced with my doet so have some confidence going in. Am a bit nervous, but fingers crossed!

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