Sunday, February 17, 2013

day 48 - regrets, I've ad a few . . .

But then again, too few to mention . .  .ah, old blue eyes. As i was explaining to my colleague the other day this is more the a song by an old crooe it is a life philioshy. Let me explain. We all like to say I have no regrets. But is that really true? An if it is trie is it really healthy? I think all of us have momentin the past, then when we  ocasially call them up in our mid. Find such moment sabsolutley crineworthy.

for example he tine that I thought i was being helpful to my'friend' when I exlaind to him at reat length and detail why I didn't eant to be his friend anymore (no honesty is NT always the best policy) or whan asked my older sister why she had so many zits on her face, or how mercileeslt I teased and tormented my younfer sister (sadly - even into younf adulthood).

But - as blue eyes suggest - these ar the kind of rhgerets that are realy too few tomention. I think the human cnditiom either allows us or forces u sto epress these types of regrests. et us cal these type 1 regrets.

Now, the other type of regret - well I think we know about that kind. At least of we read yahoo we do. This would be bastimng your supermodel girlfriend throgh he bathroom door with a 38 or accidently backing up over your 9-year old whon you didn't see playing, because you were in a hurry to make it to thedentist.

Alternatively it could be not spending enough time with the kids, cheating n your wife, ebessing from petty cash, cjeaing on your expenses (in this case, I think only if you got caught would you trylu regrets).

For me - so far I'm like Frank - I've had a few - but then again to fee t mention. BUT if I'm notcarefu . . .
- kids
 - wife
 - dreams
 - works
 - health

Regrets of the dyig

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