Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 54 - Good Day Sunshine . . .

Wow! I have been in Kive, Ukraine for thre-and-a galf months and I don't think I have yet see anyuthing ike it. Sun! lterally not a cloud n the sky. That thing that kind of looks like a cloud is actually a reflection from the lt in y office.

My ffice by the ay pfords qute a nice view of kiev. Wel if Kiev is nice. Interestig mix of -prewar, modern and commist buldings. A niuce church is propped upon the hill bor far fro a scarsaper. Tis is doubly ntersyng becayudse I knoew my partment is somwhere around ther.

Shockig hw badly I kow the city of Kiev. I walk a lot so stratigo know my neghbor hood. Otherwise I'm prettu ignorant. Work. Gym. Grocercey store. a few pubs and restaurants. Well that about suns it up.

Looking orwad to spring. Trying hard not get anxious because I knewo we have a solid month to go but we are clearly in the downward slope. I feel like a ear coming out of hybernation. Looking frad to running in the park, smelling grass and watching flowers bloom. A girlds with ess and less clothing . . . .

The pace f lifeis getting better too. Next week ski holidays. Oh yeah baby! looking forrad to that. The rest of March will liley be a slog n iev but yuoyu know I on;y mnd it so much. I am a person who really diesbt mind be alone. Not too much at least. myabe I'll be a hermut when I grow old.

Looking forwad a swell to easter and then my Dad's vist. By them I will hopefuly secure a work from hope two days a week scahedule. My double lihe continues . . . First Budapest, then Prague, now Kiev . . . wheres will be next?? 

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