Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 55 - Italian restaurant

Last night I ate at a new restaurant. It is part of my Saturday night ritual. I am still a loner in Kiev on weekends. Hints tocoeagues tend to unheeded.Truth be told I don't really mind so much. Dining alone, and drinking alone, has always had it upside for me. Call it a kind of meditation.

The name of the restaurant was Rusticana. I had passed by on my way to work and it looked inviting from the outside, well lit, warmly appointed windows and entrance. Walking in however my heart sank. Empty. Cheap linoleum floors. bartender and waitress to busy looking at the Internet to welcome me properly.  Felt to guilty to leave. Caprese salad, creamy mushroom pasta, and a full serving of white bread. Three glasses of red wine.Not exactly the diet, but fuck it, it's Saturday night.

Other restaurant 0- Spanish and Italian - called tomatoes is much better. Just cant believe they run out of red wine on a Thursday evening. Olivia still pretty impressive Will have to make a habit of better research, whilst remaining a loyal customer where deserved.

Rest of the week - chicken, fish, fruit and veggies - and a few trips to the gym.

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