Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 56 - Fly like an eagle

There is this awesome video going around face book these days - It's titled, "This video will CHANGE your life". It has nice photography, nice calm new age background music, and most importantly a very grandiose English narrator. The kind that sounds something like Dumbledore or Anthony Hopkins. The message is clear: Don't worry about money. Do what you love doing, It always works out in the end.

<iframe src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0"></iframe>

My initial reaction - as I shared it on face book was - yes! imbue the passion! Be the ball Danny!

But then I did some retirement planning and all the BS alarm bells went of in my head (Holy F***! I need to save that much a month if I want to have a halfway decent retirement!! I'm F***ed!!) I think one of the comments on the links said it best " If everyone did what they wanted then who is going to pick up  the trash on Monday!" Yeah. That's reality.

Reminds me a bit about the time when I was a ski bum, until my dad got me a job on Wall Street. All of a sudden being a ski bum just looked stupid. And those guys who got there asses to Wall Street right after school - instead of taking time off to find their bad selves -  looked pretty smart. And half of them are retired now. And let's face it Wall Street is pretty fun. As my entrepreneurial finance teacher put it -  "Nice work if you can get it!".

And every time I go skiing, (or fishing, or trekking) and there is some instructorr or guide, more often then you can see these guys are college grads who found themselves being tour guides and bartenders because they followed there passion and they really scratching there heads, and you can almost here the regret inside there heads "what the f*** happened? how did I get here?

That is not to say that you don;t find many people who are the opposite. Writers, painters, poets, fisherman, who are truly happy. But that is choice. Choices are like marriage - you better pick the right one because you half to live with it the rest of you life and it will never be easy, will always require work.

But if you understand that and make the right one you get the rewards. Life requires hard work. Doing things we don't want to do. paying dues. Planting seeds. If you want to paint or be poet weekends and evening should stop you! Mortgage, schools, vacations, good food, nice cloths, safe and comfortable transport. Can be tough to get from busking and blogging. So you need to ask yourself how much you realy love busking and blogging.

I remember thinking about our house growing up. What a waste. we could live a simpler life and be happier. But guess what. It;s not so simple. I always said when I grew up I would do things differently. And I have. But let's face it - not that different. And still my kids are saying the same thing about me. But when I see some of the people who did choose different paths - I am downright frightened. Yeah life's what happens when your busy makig plans.

Another one (tell me something I don'tt know!)

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