Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 10 – Beam me up Scottie

Day 10 – Beam me up Scottie
Today was my first day back to the office. I can only describe the transition from Bratislava to Kiev as other worldly. I mentioned this to my colleague from Slovakia and at first he didn’t get it. I knew he wouldn’t, so I at first asked him, “Do know the expression ‘beam me us Scotty,”? Yes (clearly he didn’t). You know, from star trek? Yes. Still not getting’ it. You know star trek, right? No, I don’t know this, what is this? So I explained how these guys from the sci-fi show had this machine that could magically (although it was real technology) transport you from a space ship to any planet in the galaxy. Uh huh. And that this was how I felt, further explaining and the analogy being my home (i.e. on the star ship enterprise) and being in Kiev, i.e. the strange planet. He laughed for real. Now he got it got it . .  .
How to explain why travelling from one strange city to another is like interplanetary travel? Lotta baggage on board, I suppose . . . (no pun intended!). Hmm, that remind me to also explain how the yogurts I was carrying short circuited my computer . . .

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