Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 16 - Business lounge

Nothing says "I'm a business man" like the business lounge (well, ok, the private jet certainly does) . . . . other markers of the true executive  . . . mont blanc pens (why do cross pens somehow not do it?) . . . the leather valise (a pleather, wheely style carry on? mon dieu!). . . . the smart phone, and more importantly how you use it (i.e., are you closing a deal? furiously following up on that really important e-mail? Or just playing word mole) . . . how you dress counts (the jacket half of a really expensive suit, along with expensive shirt and shoes and jeans, is a statement. Have always wondered where the suit pants go and how they don't get wrinkled). More importantly, though, is how you undress, as in undressing for security . . . gotta be quick, crisp, business like. But not too pushy . . . have a smile and quick wit for the cutie operating the scanner. And don't let the guy who's gotta frisk you get your goat . . . a wink and a nod to the hottie coming in behind, and a knowing smirk to the rest of the crew, look at these these other schmuks who just don't "'get it'".

One of the most difficult things about travelling is holding back on the free drinks and salty snacks at the biz lounge. 2nd most difficult thing is doing real work! Butta gotta be strong! Some days I am, others I am not - - some times I go halfsies . . .

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