Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 13 - Measuring performance

Well this one is certainly not a one time post. But before getting philosophical let's get practical and now. How'm I doing so far this year? Hard to tell. Gut is providing different feelings. What about the stats? Well maybe that's the problem. I don't really have any.  Have in the past tried to user a system focusing on 5 factors - sleep, exercise, alcohol intake, diet and water intake. This metric was only focused on weight loss, though. Given the many goals I have this year will have to focus on other dimensions. How not to over complicate it? Howe to make it practical and easy? How to make it effective?

Will have to come back to this topic. This is after all NFL playoff weekend so will catch some more ball before hitting the sack (at around 1:43am :( after 3 beers :((.

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