Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 14 - Lost

Kiev, Ukraine is not so different then Bratislava. Slavic languages, Slavic peoples, European post socialist culture . .  .by somehow it makes me feel utterly lost, like other worldly lost. I cannot speak the language, I don't know how to get around, and it's just plain colder . .  .  it is really enough to make me give up.

Was at the doctor's today and the poor guy (doctor) who is supposed to speak English barely does. Nice guy though. I really wonder what I am doing. Kind of feel like I am wasting my time. nevertheless I successfully go through the motions and organize additional appointments for next week. We'll see how it goes . . .

The good news is it was a VERY exciting NFL weekend. Still shaking from all the drama, and lack of sleep. Getting at at the office and I am hungary and tired, decisions . . . sushi out or salad in? Hmmmm . . . .

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